Private Sector Counter Terrorism Premium Insight

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Key Insights:

Distinct Systems: Government agency Counter Terrorism operates with entirely different systems compared to Private Sector Counter Terrorism.

The only similarity between the two is the name.  UK Government agencies have no real-world knowledge or experience of private sector CT, it’s a totally different skill set.

Decades of Experience: Private sector terrorism mitigation has been effectively operational for decades, delivered by a wealth of expertise from private sector security professionals in the United Kingdom.

UK’s Current Efforts: The United Kingdom is currently striving to catch up with private sector counter-terrorism systems for the 21st Century.

Credible Information: The private sector offers an abundant and reliable source of credible information on terrorism mitigation.



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The value for money is unbeatable! Dive into the growing series of Amazon eBooks under the heading “Protective Security & Counter Terrorism” and stay ahead in the field of organisational resilience in the 21st Century.


Available eBooks:

Counter Terrorism Guide (Overview)Response & RecoveryFour Phases of CT MitigationNight Time EconomyLayered Security, Staff Training, Interoperability