Staff Security & Safety Training

Prevention & Detection

Creating Force Multiplier Systems





Table of Contents


Defensive Measures.

Force Multiplier Mitigation..

Left of Boom.

Business Employees.

Human Element.

Shopping centre example.

Eyes & Ears.

Let’s squash some myths.

Staff Training Methods.



About the author.



Many organisations persist in employing conventional approaches to staff training, which may prove inadequate in addressing the evolving challenges of the 21st century. To fortify organisational resilience against contemporary threats, there is a pressing need for a paradigm shift in staff training. The current lag in adaptation to modern threats underscores the importance of embracing innovative strategies.

Integrating progressive methods into training initiatives can substantially elevate business resilience, fostering a heightened state of preparedness in effectively countering terrorism and hybrid threats.

Dismissing the outdated notion that security concerns are solely the responsibility of security staff is no longer tenable in the dynamic threat landscape of the 21st century.


Currently, organisations rely on Defensive Measures as the foundation of their security systems.

Defensive Approach (Reactive). This approach is characterised by responding to threats after they have already occurred, often when significant damage has been done and the costs are considerably high.  That’s a 20th Century approach.

In light of the continuously evolving and complex landscape of contemporary threats, it is crucial to embrace a dynamic security strategy tailored for the 21st century. This strategy should not only rely on traditional defensive measures but also integrate both detection and prevention methodologies.

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